My Program

Why Three to Be™?
After hitting rock bottom with my food allergies in 2008, I decided enough was enough. The analytical, engineer in me needed structure to figure out how I was going to transform my health from the grave state of affairs I was in at the time. After researching countless numbers of popular programs health programs out there, I came to a main realization: there was no program out there that spoke to me—someone living with severe food allergies.
So…I created my own and named it the Three to Be™ program.
Health is incredibly personal! Each person’s situation is unique, even in the food allergy realm. Therefore, I created a program that is rooted in holistic principles with corresponding steps that touch all areas of the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. I devised a program that is easy to understand and contains small daily steps, called microsteps, to follow.
You can work all the steps from beginning to end, or you can hone in on a particular step. The net effect of all the steps in the Three to Be™ program will help you to heal your life with food allergies.
The name Three to Be™ was created after the 3 main principles and 3 steps within each principle. The theme of this program is “to be”, meaning daily you are working a set of steps in order to be healthy, safe, and well in your health and in your life.
The principles are based on what my parents and their friends always wished for their children–to be healthy, safe from harm, and to live a prosperous life. I felt very connected to this and in speaking to thousands of food allergy parents in the last ten years, they can all agree with these principles. In setting them as themes rather than goals in life, I was able to take the pressure off of myself and enjoy this journey to becoming…healthier, safe, and well in health and in life.

What You'll Learn

- Changing mindset is the number one step in healing your food allergies.
- There is meaning in your life with food allergies.
- Taking small, daily microsteps will help you to begin healing.
- A deep and holistic look inward allows you to discover the root cause of your food allergies.
- Taking learnings and focusing them outward will help to humanize food allergies and help others.