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Thai Mussels with Coconut Milk & Lemongrass

Here are a few things to consider when cooking mussels. First, throw away any mussels that are already opened when you buy them. Second, use a paring knife to remove the fibrous strings on the outside of the mussels—called the “beard”—as they are tough. Third, discard any mussels that haven’t opened during cooking. Last, mussels […]

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Saturday Short Stack Gluten-Free Pancakes

I rarely eat pancakes yet they are one of my favorite foods in the world.  I like them stacked, silver dollar style, with fresh blueberries on top.  Hot from the griddle I’ll add a heap of homemade honey butter and some Aunt Jemima.  Yes, I know you are freaking out right now to hear I […]

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The Bestest Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who doesn’t love a perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie? After testing what seems to be millions of recipes over my lifetime, I finally found one that I loved and based this recipe off of. As usual, I substitute items and use my own techniques to get to this final product. These cookies are crispy along the […]

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