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How I Reduce Stress and Perform My Best

Exercise Your Body Regularly: Improves overall physical and mental health, reduces stress, and boosts energy levels. Exercise Your Mind Regularly: Mental health fitness exercises help you learn to recognize your mental triggers and develop strategies to manage stress more effectively. Eat Real Food: Eliminating processed foods and sticking with real foods without labels helps reduce [...]
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Leaders Don’t Need to be Mental Health Experts

Leaders don’t need to be mental health experts. They just need to help guide employees to the right resources. A new type of leader understands their people’s: -Wants -Needs -Desires -Problems While removing obstacles that prohibit people from getting healthy and staying healthy. Good leadership isn’t about how much you know, but how much you’re […]

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Changing Mindset to Improve Health

For 4 decades, I struggled with chronic health conditions. Western medicine made me believe suppressing my symptoms was the only option. Today, I’m in Year 3 of remission from ALL of my over 32 severe food allergies. No more: -Harsh side effects.-Taking 30 pills every day.-Mental, emotional, and spiritual health struggles. What changed? → My […]

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Wild Blueberry Coconut Popsicles

It’s healthy and delicious to make summer popsicles at home! I never knew how easy it was until I started experimenting with desserts in my own kitchen. I love the idea of Wild Blueberries in May, turned into a pop with some coconut. This recipe was adapted from the Mom’s Kitchen Handbook by Katie Morford MS, […]

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Wild Blueberry Muffins

There’s nothing more delicious than waking up to the smell of mom baking on a weekend. It was probably the only thing that could get me out of bed early. My mom would experiment and make all kinds of baked goods allergy-friendly when I was a kid. In turn, I took her lead and began […]

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